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Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

event 2024

Victorian Events 2024 (Flightless Conference sponsored by BAVS/NAVSA/AVSA/V-I/DACH V)


As part of the international, flightless conference Event 2024 <https://www.event2024.org/>, “Victorian Events” at Stirling is a hub for in-person papers, panels and roundtables, co-organised with the Scottish Centre for Victorian and Neo-Victorian Studies. Papers can focus on an aspect of “the event” in Victorian culture, including, but not limited to: exhibits, exhibitions and openings; performances; tourism and international visits; imperial events; publishing and literary events; scandals and sensations; religious gatherings and forms of devotion; protests and gatherings/ anniversaries, wakes, jubilees, and centenaries. Keynote lectures will be delivered by Professor Churnjeet Mahn (University of Strathclyde) and Dr Michelle Foot (University of Edinburgh).


Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration (Event 2024 Bursary Holders)£0.00[Read More]
Registration (waged)£75.00[Read More]
Registration for Keynote Speakers£0.00[Read More]
Registration PGR Student/Unwaged£50.00[Read More]
University of Stirling Team£0.00[Read More]
Stirling Summer School: Arts and Humanities Taster Workshops

Stirling Summer School: Arts and Humanities Taster Workshops


Open to 15-18 year olds (S5-6/Highers/Advanced Highers students), these 3 day workshops will introduce university-level study and practice in our disciplines, and encourage students to think beyond their school work and to explore new ideas.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Workshop 1: Games Jam£85.00[Read More]
Workshop 2: Exploring Identities£85.00[Read More]