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Scottish Metabolomics training day – data analysis

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Event Information

Date of Event
21st October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
20th October 2024


1-day training event with an emphasis on data analysis of metabolomics data sets.

The Scottish Metabolomics Network is pleased to announce a Data Processing Workshop prior to the annual SMN meeting. 

The structure of both metabolomics and lipidomics data presents very specific issues for data analysis, unlike other ‘omics datasets. We will highlight these challenges and the different methods that can be used.

This Data Processing Workshop will be focused on re-registration and statistical analysis of pre-processed metabolomics data. Data re-registration, such as log transforms, normalization and missing value imputation will be discussed.

We aim to highlight commonly used statistical methods in metabolomics and lipidomics and go beyond what is commonly taught and will discuss how these methods should be employed. Methods such as PCA, PLS-DA and ANOVA will be discussed, highlighting when to use these techniques and how the results should be interpreted. The training will be given by Dr Gavin Blackburn (Uni. of Glasgow) and Dr Nicholas Rattray (Uni. of Strathclyde).



Attendee CategoryCost   
Training day registration£25.00[Read More]